Sixth Form Childcare and Education
Why study Childcare and Education?
This qualification is suitable for students wishing to gain knowledge and practical experience in early years education and care. It prepares learners to work with children from birth to 5 years and gain knowledge of ages 5 to 7.
Upon achievement of the qualification, it is intended that learners will be able to access higher education or enter the workforce as Early Years Educators.
What will I be learning about?
Wider context
Supporting education
Safeguarding, health and safety and wellbeing
Parents, families and carers
Working with others
Child development
Observation and assessment
Reflective practice
Equality and diversity
Special educational needs and disability
English as an additional language
Support and promote children’s play, development and early education
Learning will comprise of 10 lessons and 8 work experience hours per week alongside independent learning. For the practical work experience component, we have a partnership with Piglets Pre-school, which is located within our building.
How will I be assessed?
There are two written exams.The exams will assess students’ knowledge and understanding of the course content. These are set and externally marked by NCFE. The work experience gives students the opportunity to apply their skills and knowledge to develop a substantial piece of work in response to an employer set brief. There are three synoptic assignments for their occupational specialism which will assess the knowledge, understanding, skills and behaviours required. These focus on the integration and application of knowledge.
Students will achieve an overall grade for the course - Pass / Merit / Distinction.
What are the entry requirements?
Five GCSEs at grade 4 or above including Maths and English. Ideally, learners will have studied Childcare at level 2.
Essential Uniform: Black comfortable trousers or leggings and Piglets/Chessington polo shirt. (you will need 3 minimum). Learners should have a smart and well presented appearance, as the daily schedule includes being public facing.
Suggested course resources: Textbook, arch lever folder and a student planner/diary. Learners may use their own laptop but school chromebooks will be provided in the lessons as well as completing written work.
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