Hello and welcome to Chessington School PTA


The aim of our PTA is to organise social events and fundraising activities for the purpose of creating a community involving children, families and staff from our school and the local area. We are a parent-led association, supported by Ms Wilson with involvement from various members of staff and the Senior Leadership Team.

We normally hold meetings every few months to discuss and decide upon upcoming events – some of which include a fireworks night, live bands, comedy night, pub quiz and coffee mornings. We are also involved in the schools' community projects and have helped with the SEN garden, Wellbeing Room supporting mental health and The Den.  We also support school-led events across the year, welcoming new families to the school and assisting with charity coffee mornings plus other occasions. Unfortunately, these activities have had to be put on hold until we have a full committee.

FIREWORKS - We always have a very successful fireworks and BBQ event at the end of term in October. Over 500 people attended across the night, the fireworks were amazing and the feedback from parents, carers and friends of Chessington has been great, so we look forward to adding that to next year's calendar and making it an annual event again. 

SECOND HAND UNIFORM SALE: We are looking for a small team of helpers to assist with, or manage completely, the large amount of uniform we have stacking up!  We have not been able to hold a second hand uniform sale until now as since the change of blazer to the new style, we haven't had many given back in to us - but now we have a few blazers, hundreds of white shirts and trousers, a few sports kits and the odd pair of shoes and trainers. So if you would like to help with this - please get in touch! 

Donate Direct

Parents/carers can donate a small amount each month by direct debit.  Be it £1, £3, £5 or £10 per month or more, or a single donation, every single penny counts towards much-needed items for the school.

You can set this up via your bank directly to the Chessington PTA (business) bank account.

Sort code: 23-05-80      Account no: 25001508

Please email so we can acknowledge and confirm receipt.


A new committee is needed to take the PTA forward. Charlotte Carter (year 7 Mum) has taken the role of Chairperson over from July 2024. Please get in touch if you are interested to help.  

Annual AGM

You are all welcome to attend the AGM and a notice will be sent prior to the meeting.


All our fundraising and social events rely on the support of parents and friends to help organise and also to turn up!  We would love to hear from you with any ideas or help you can offer, so do please get in touch.

We hope you and your children will enjoy everything on offer at Chessington School, and we can count on your support. If you have any questions then do please get in touch, not just about the PTA but also about general school life.


Join. Shop. Raise.

If you shop online then you can raise funds for the school, all you need to do is sign up CLICK HERE. Once you have joined, the scheme will ensure that the participating shops that you have shopped at, donate a small percentage to Chessington School PTA every time you make a purchase. You can set this up as an individual shopper or through your business, you don't have to be connected to the school in any way to support us. The list of online shops is endless, from Amazon, eBay, M&S, Thomas Cook, Just Eat to name a few, in fact there are over 3,200 companies to shop with that will donate back to the school.  So next time you book a holiday online, you could raise at least £30+ for the school without even thinking about it.

Please help support Chessington PTA by shopping online – It’s that easy!

Find out more

Still not sure?

Here is a short video which explains in less than 60 seconds how easyfundraising works and how simple it is to set up and shop online, at no extra cost to you. Click the image to view the video on YouTube.

Watch the video on YouTube